Replace some frags?

One Eye

former vp of pr
I'm hoping I can replace some of the corals I lost in my tank crash.

I gave away and sold these corals, so I'm hoping that some of them are still around. Basicly if you received a frag from me could you let me know what you have please, and I'll buy a frag from you.
Specificaly I'm looking for a baby blue Humilis that I sold probably 20 frags of, from what I understand in some tanks it stayed baby blue, in others the color got deeper and in some it gained some green.
I also passed along alot of a yellow with blue tips table acro. In some tanks the blue extended to the base, in my tank it had a yellow base with dark blue tips.
Also a purple montipora "cap" It kept it's purple color pretty well and had light almost white growth edge and the polyps stay a light purple almost blue.
ORA yellow Millipora, I only fraged this one a couple times but I know it went to people in the club.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
One eye,i did not get it from you but i haave a purple cap similar to your decsription,i have a small frag that was a piece that broke off when making a frag for the auction.It is mounted and only the size of a quarter but you can have it for free if it is what you are looking for,it is a quick grower.If you look through the thread for the auction donations there is a pic.
-Liam. :)
Liam, that'd be cool! Thanks!

Dave.....I think I smashed them all by accident :) depth perception issues..
The yellow table with blue tips(sometimes all blue) didn't even make it into the house before I "fragin fraged it".

The Humilis started to bleach at the base so I fraged it up. I kept them for a while to make sure they were ok, then scattered them around at one of the meets. Gumhead grabed a frag. I lost 1 frag to stupidity and the others died when I moved.

The only thing on that list I might have would be the purple M. cap, but I don't know if I have the same one as you did. I'd be interested in frags of all the other if you can find them bug-free! :D
Greg Hiller said:
I'd be interested in frags of all the other if you can find them bug-free! :D

Dooooh that hurt! :) Darren, I have a purple table or something that you smashed. It was the size of a thumbnail when you gave it to me. With all the problems I've been having, it's grown, but it's no larger than a 1/2 dollar now with 4 or 5 true "branches". I'll take a pic of it. If you want some, let me know. I'll wait a little longer (still on bugwatch) and get it to you when your ready and I'm guarenteed bug-free.

Dave, That sounds lke it might be the table I'm talking about, it colored up differently in different tanks. I think it might have been you who told me it was a solid blue-purple color at one of the meets. Small frags sounds about right, it has tightly formed, small branches. And ya, smashed all right. I dropped the bag on my driveway the day I bought the coral. One of the few, very few, wild corals I've bought.

Greg, I've already killed all my hermits and shrimp...I mean I did the interceptor treatment :) Still watching the tank to make sure it was 100%. I dip everything going into the tank now. I'm going to start another thread about dipping corals in interceptor.
Hi Darren,

I believe I have a piece of the humillis. Still growing slowly so its not huge (~3")but I could break off a small 1/4"-1/2" frag for ya.

Here's a pic of it just recently (sorry for pic size didnt have time to adjust)

Nice Bill!! I thought I remembered you getting a frag of it when you were helping me with my pc.
Just bumping, I know alot of the older members that don't frequent the boards as much have a bunch of my old stuff. :)
Hi Darren I know I got one from you but I also know it went with some of the others in last years temp disaster :(
but if I can help out with anything in my tank I will :)
Syris said:
Hi Darren,

I believe I have a piece of the humillis. Still growing slowly so its not huge (~3")but I could break off a small 1/4"-1/2" frag for ya.

Here's a pic of it just recently (sorry for pic size didnt have time to adjust)


Is that really a humilis?
I got this in the tank for awhile while it was a small frag. Always wanted to know what it is.