Skimmer running wet


Hey everyone, i have a system that has been up and running for around 5-6 weeks now. It is a 40 breeder with a 20l sump, in the sump i have a octopus NW110 skimmer and it is has been running for about 1.5 weeks now. Recently it started to running extremely wet, the collection cup fills up within a day, it has some crud in it but mostly just water. How do i go about tuning this skimmer? The water level adjuster is at the lowest it can go. The current livestock is about 50 lbs of LR and a small clean up crew.

Any help would be appreciated i am a skimmer novice.
how deep is the water level the skimmer is sitting in? If it is in more than about 8" of water, you could consider raising it up
8" is ideal. Also it could have broken in if it was a brand new skimmer and that's why it could be pulling more stuff out. When I was breaking in my skimmer I had to keep adjusting it to lower the water line...
Ok so i should try to raise the entire skimmer up about an inch or two, to correct my water line. I hope this helps, cause this thing is going crazy.
Also there could just be so much in the tank that the skimmer is pulling out a ton and once it pulls it all out it will start skimming a little more normal. This could be in combination with the skimmer breaking in...

But raising it to the 8" mark should help a lot...
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