someone please tell me the secret


i would love to keep different kind of angelfish(dwarf and big angelfish) in my reef tank. but i am so scared of them eating my corals. but i see a lot of people having a reef tank that is dominated with angelfish. someone please tell me how do they do it. i have a coral beauty in my reef, but that's about it. and the only reason i added him because i heard he is the most reef safe angelfish. do they just keep them well fed :confused:
I have had luck with emperorer, but no acans or zoos in my display

I also have flame that does fine
flame angelfish are my favorite. but i heard so much mix stories. some say they are safe some say they are not
It is hit or miss. I've had coral beauty and flame angel (yes in the same tank) and they got along fine and reef safe.
They seem to be hit or miss when it comes to nipping, in general they spend the day roaming around picking at stuff. I heard they are more prone to target clams and LPS, sps seems to be a 50% chance. Depends on the individual really, not sure if keeping it well fed will make a huge impact.
I have had a Flame Angel for 3+yrs now with no issues. Picked up a Queen Angel (thanks Frank) about a month back and she is behaving kindly. Always keep something for them to nibble on (Romaine/Nori). My tank has zoo's,paly's,shroom's,gsp,hammer,frogspan,xenia's,toadstool,pipe organ's,birdsnest and a few other misc.. Only problem Angel I had was an adult Koran. But as other's have mentioned it IS hit or miss. Think of it this way, could alway's have an open credit at KCA with returns :)
How big is your tank? Have you ever thought of going with some of the truly reef safe angels like the Lamarck's , Spotbreast or Bellus or any of those genre of angels? When I get a large tank I'll be picking up a pair as they are sexual dimorphism so you can get two totally different fish if you get a male and female...
I wanted to get a flame angel, but I plan on getting a few clams with the new tank upgrade going in... I definitely don't want the flame nipping, so I am thinking I won't risk it.
i keep a potters angel in my reef w/ 2 clams. I don't feed very often and it has never been an issue. In my other reef i have a flame, coral beauty, eblii, lemonpeel, queen, and a regal and they all leave all the coral in that tank alone with no issues.
I got an adult on out of my reef.................I used a large sheet of egg crate , they are very smart, it took me a while...................
the juvi emperor was growing up and they were starting to fight....I have considered pulling the juvi out now as I want to keep zoos and acans in my display
i would love to keep different kind of angelfish(dwarf and big angelfish) in my reef tank. but i am so scared of them eating my corals. but i see a lot of people having a reef tank that is dominated with angelfish. someone please tell me how do they do it. i have a coral beauty in my reef, but that's about it. and the only reason i added him because i heard he is the most reef safe angelfish. do they just keep them well fed :confused:
Find some who is selling one they had no issues with and buy it

But with big angels always tend to nip sooner or later dwarfs tend to be better in this area
I think the key to long term success is to keep them well fed and only keep them in large mature systems where nipping corals will not negatively impact coral health. As Greg said, most will nip as adults. Once they get a taste for it, there isn't much you can do.
I knew a guy that kept large and small angels in reef tanks all the time and never had them pick at a single coral and he kept every type, he said he always kept sponges in the tank for them to eat, he said they go for them first and would put a new one in every couple of weeks.
my dwarf flame angel was good for 6 months then he went chaotic on me and started nipping at everything. I had to get rid of him. But, my tanks only a 55. maybe with more room and more corals the outcome could be different.
But also, because I have no sump or skimmer I don't feed daily or every other day. I might feed once a week. They find food on their own.
It's a hit or miss . It is not only a reef safe issue but a get along issue too .
Over the years I have tried the following .Not in the same tank either .
African Pygmy angel . Turned out to be a thug after 3rd year and a coral eater .It killed a Chevron Tang .
Coral beauty no problem so ever .
My favorite : Baby female bellus . Kept her in a 120 with a small purple tang .
Did fine for 7 years .
Downsided to a 70 cube and took the fish to my buddies LFS . Traded her for another bellus baby that would be ordered for me .
She was placed in their 4 foot x 4 foot display mixed coral tank .
After a week I got a phone call stating if he sells the fish she would go up in price .
I asked why , "She just killed a Chevron tang " . The next week she killed some special variety of Foxface .
After a few months with no mate at all ,she turned into a male bellus .
She is still the boss of that display tank today .
One buddy tried a baby emperor angel in his 240 .
It went straight for the 3 Strawberry Short Cake frags he had growing out .
I think he sold it but the sump became it's temp home .

Had a flame angel, it was fine for 1-1/2 years, then started picking at all the corals, had to get rid of him last week.
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