something funky in my mixed water tank!


Division Champs
Went to put an air stone in a semi covered mixed water tank and notched something on the suction side of a hydor sitting on the bottom of the tank.Thought it was a pc of felt...or similar.Pluck it off and it's gooey and I'm a little bugged by the feel and looks so I toss it to the cement floor and splat,now I can smell a little something,something rotten something:p. Obviously its been there a while and
I think it was a baby mouse.Water doesn't smell!
I have had this dino problem for 2 months+....could this be contributing?
And is it(mixed water) NG now?
I'd ditch the water just as a precaution. Have you tested it for ammonia?

By the way it can't be NG cause I'm the only NG thing around here :p
Dump it....

I would call it N-F-G. :D

I had a mouse in a 40g bucket of mixed water. :mad: what a ripoff. Damn mice
I tested the water
ammonia @ 0
nitrates 0
ph 8.3
phosphate 0
Maybe I'm just being paranoid and it's fine to use!?
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