

Need some help. Went away for the weekend and had some house sitters over filled the tank.
Temperature was about 90 degrees when I got home. all fish and corals are cooked. Is the tank a total loss? What do I do with the live or dead rock sand etc. Drained water down and put new in to get temp down. HELP
I am sure some one will jump in with better info, But I will start it, I have not had this happen to me, I am sure you got all the dead fish out, I would do 20% water change every three days for about a week or two, I would run carbon and change it every 3 days as well, This is the only advise I could give. Dom
Thanks, I pulled everything out and vacuumed up all the carnage, rinsed everything and got it up and running again. had to do more than 20% to get the smell out. uuuuggggghhhh. Total redo 4 years down the drain.
Man thats terrible !!!! I know you prob don't want to hear it now but next time get someone to watch that tank . sorry bud hope things get better , I'd be pissed
If I were you I would start from scratch. 100% new water, rinse sand, recure the rocks and let the tank cycle again. Any dead matter you leave in the tank right now is gonna make it take longer for it to cycle.

Good luck!
you will probably get a minicycle and an algae bloom. I would throw a ball of chatoe in, change some water, keep the lights and skimmer on and call it a day. As long as the skimmer and the chatoe can keep up with the explosion of nutrients that the dead matter WILL release in the water you should be fine, in a couple of weeks the levels should drop back to normal.
you will probably get a minicycle and an algae bloom. I would throw a ball of chatoe in, change some water, keep the lights and skimmer on and call it a day. As long as the skimmer and the chatoe can keep up with the explosion of nutrients that the dead matter WILL release in the water you should be fine, in a couple of weeks the levels should drop back to normal.

I agree with this. The tank will re-cycle just as if you started it new.
Man that just stinks. Do you have a controller as a back up to a tank buddy? If not, something to think about for the future.

Good luck getting back on your feet.
Man that just stinks. Do you have a controller as a back up to a tank buddy? If not, something to think about for the future.

Good luck getting back on your feet.

+1 On controller. It could have helped save your tank.

Good luck bro, I can only imagine how much it sucks! :(

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