starting up again with a simple 30g (KISS)


I got rid of my 40breeder (with all the bells & whistles) about 1 year ago.
Now I want to start something simple without all the worries & big $$$.
aquariumnut hooked me up with a 30g high & pc lights & rock for a good deal.
I was thinking about sea-horses, but I read that they are delicate & hard to keep. I plan to get fake corals & a couple of fish (maybe 2 clowns & a yellow clown goby & a clean-up crew) I'm hoping that I won't need skimmer & calc reactor or refugium. I guess I want to enjoy a aquarium without making it a extreme hobby where I won't be able to catch up with it.
KISS (Keep It Simple S*****) hehehe!

Thanks to everyone & nice to be back

ps.I probably won't go to the meetings often, I payed my brs fees via paypal.
Welcome back!!

I can't find the link at the moment, but I remember reading about a tank raised variety of seahorse that's trained to eat frozen brineshrimp or mysis and is very hardy. These sound like the easiest seahorses to me!! Maybe someone else can chime in and let you know the specifics.
Eh, I give you six months before you've got a reactor running Gilbert ;)

Now only if we could find you a coral that thrives on Coronas :)
PHreef said:
Welcome back!!

I can't find the link at the moment, but I remember reading about a tank raised variety of seahorse that's trained to eat frozen brineshrimp or mysis and is very hardy. These sound like the easiest seahorses to me!! Maybe someone else can chime in and let you know the specifics.
Tank raised H. Reidi?
once you've had a reef its hard to downgrade to a FOWLR. I'd start with some sea horses or loin's...something that cant really be kept in a reef..that way the temptation wont be there to "upgrade" back to a reef. I speak from experience :D
If I were you, and If your not going to do any corals, I would sell the pc fixture, and get a skimmer instead. IMO skimmers make for less maintinence. There are always cheap hob's popping up fs here if you don't want to spend the money on an expensive one. :)
Thanks for the advice on the different seahorses & for the freebies.
Nikkoli110, you are right if fish poop I need a HOB skimmer (anyone have HOB 4sale?)
My Fiance was exited about seahorses & that's the whole reason for starting this 30g, but I hate to experiment on a pair of $70 dollar horses & find out they die in 2 weeks because of my lack of experience. Has anyone had success on seahorses on a newly established tank? Can I get seahorses shortly after the tank has cycled? Or should I get a pair of clowns for 1 or 2 months before I get the horses?

I would wait on the horses for the tank to mature a bit. They are more delicate then fish
I just got 12 tank raised reidi seahorses in the other day and they were all eating frozen mysis and brine.
I'll second the suggestion to wait... also, keep in mind that you shouldn't really mix seahorses with clowns (or most fish, for the matter) as they'll be outcompeted for food. If you're set on seahorses plan on a species tank, or with a small number of compatible animals.
