Sun coral not liking MH light.


Odd one here. Ive got a sun coral that seems to only open when the 460 are on. I'm running two 250w MH with 2-54w and she's stays closed till MH turns off. I'm running the MH 6 hours a day and 460 8 hours a day. Bulbs are a few months old. Tank is 90 with a depth of 24". Light is 10" above tank. Coral is about 18" down from top of tank so 28" from light. Water parameters are all in check.
Any help?????

My mushrooms are splitting like crazy also.
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it really doesn't matter, they open after light is off, or when you are feeding them.
You want to "train" the sun coral to eat/stay open during the day.(They usually eat at night) There's a few videos online.

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If you feed every day at same time , they will open around that time , but if under full light they will close quickly no matter what , the usually live in deeper water I think or under ledges
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