sunburst anthias

They can be very difficult. This species is used to the deeper reefs and doesnot tolerate well lite tanks. It needs caves and as much cover as possible. Can be picky when it comes to feeding. Since many of these are captured 300 feet from the surface in the wild they can have trouble acclimating to home aquariums. ive tried to keep them and found that although it is one of the most beautiful fish it wasnt meant for me. I have talked to people that house them and it takes them a couple of times before they find one that can sustain life in a sps/lps lite reef. At 50 bucks a pop and the good possibility of death I would seriously research them and create a suitable environment for their specific needs. Otherwise it is a waste of life and money.
I have randal's anthias, which are very beautiful. I was warned that they are nearly impossible to keep alive, but they seem to be thriving after two months. I know it isn't years of success, but they are doing great. They seem to hang out infront of the rockwork all the time even under MH and are not agressive with anything.
They are all of what Steve said and more. If you are planning on putting them in a 29 gal. I'd forget it. I felt that my 55 was way too small for this very active fish.
that is what I was thinking. I requested a show fish on another board from a respected(?) member of the reef community and that is what this person suggested. I was a little confused with the recomendation when I looked at it so I thought I'd ask what you all thought.

onto another fish..

how about the flame cardinal?