Tank Cleaning


What's the best thing to clean a tank with? It's a new setup but an old tank. There's a lot of crud in it that I want to get off. I read a thread about a dial power scrubber that I'll be getting but was wondering what the best solution would be... Ammonia and Bleach right? JK. What should I use
No, no, no...not NH4 and bleach. What you need to do is go down to your local farm supplier and request 500lbs of fertilizer...:p Seriously, though, you may want to give it a bleach bath and let it soak for a while to kill off anything you wouldn't want growing in your tank. Just make sure to let it dry well before filling again so as to give time for the bleach to evaporate.

As for the "crud," I use a Kent scraper to remove all the coraline algae from my tank and that does a really good job of cleaning up. Just make sure you get a glass one for a glass tank, but more importantly, an acrylic blade for an acrylic tank!

If you mix ammonia and bleach you get...crap what is it...napalm...no..ummm..some really toxic gas....use vinegar to clean the tank and rinse well, scrap off as much as you can, it the deposits are calcium the vinegar takes it off fairly easily...
I second vinegar and warm water as the cleaner of choice and use a razor or a credit card to clean the glass sides. Rinse well.
CamaroJWeed said:
If you mix ammonia and bleach you get...crap what is it...napalm...no..ummm..some really toxic gas

Yup, you get chlorine gas (otherwise known as mustard gas). Lovely stuff they used in the trenches during WWI; if I remember correctly, it causes lung damage which leads to edema in the lungs and you basically drown to death. :)

Okay, so the smiley face didn't do so much to liven up that comment! :p
A simple napalm would be Ivory Snow laundry soap (flake) and gas. But please don't try this at home. Proffesional napalm inhalers were used in the production of this post :)