Tank redesign - rock work


So I was looking at my tank last night, and I love the right side. I don't think that "Hate" is a strong enough word for the left side.

Current state (no full take shot):

Right Side

Left Side

The left side just looks like a jumbled mess. I want to leave the rock work on the right as it is, and pull every thing on the left, and build an island of shelves. The left side will be a dedicated SPS island Examples:

Unknown from Zeovit fourms:

Lurch form R2R:

Another unknown from r2r:

I've need worked with dry rock before. What is the best way to go about adding it to my tank? Prior to pulling the live rock out, I plan on adding ceramic balls in the sump to help with the bio load. I'm think I will need to give the dry rock an acid bath prior to adding to my tank. I was also planning on treating the tank with AF Bio S to help kick start the new bacteria population. Thoughts/comments/critiques?
Where are you getting the dry rock?

If its store bought I would just rinse the rock and add it to the tank, the new pieces will go through an algae cycle.
If you got it from another member and it was once live rock and now dead rock and has remnant hair algae or some other form of decaying organics on it then I would opt for an acid bath.

Beneficial bacteria is present in the sand and water in your tank as well.
If bioload is a big concern take the pieces of live rock you plan on removing and keep them in your sump.
They already have the bacteria versus adding new ceramic balls won't have any.
When I switched out my fake inserts for branch and shelf I assembled my structure dry with acrylic rods and super glue then cured it in a brute tube with water from water changes. Carbon in a sock and aquaforest probio and nppro. Monitored it with my seneye After the ammonia and nitrate were gone I seeded it with rock from my fuge and zooplankton for 2 weeks to load it with pods and whatnot. Worked pretty good