The boss met his match


The Chicago Experience!
Funny story ...

I came home tonight from the fair and I noticed a very distinct bite mark on my Sohal Tang. Now mind you he is the boss of my reef and nobody messes with him. He's pushy and like to show everyone else in the tank who the main man is. I even had to take my Yellow Tang out of the tank and send him off to the LFS because he was just getting nipped to death and constantly fighting with the Sohal.

After calling in the CSI unit and having them run extensive forensics the bite mark matches PERFECTLY to my Hippos mouth/teeth. I mean it's an exact match! :p

I guess the Hippo (about 6") just isn't going to take it! LOL
I'll post a pic as soon as I can get a good shot.

I just thought a lighthearted post would hit the spot with all the turmoil around here lately.