Thoughts on "split" photoperiod?


v 4.0
I'm really struggling to have the temp down this early in the season. not even summer!

So I changed the photoperiod to be 9am - 4pm, since the apt gets hot(hotter) around 4-6:30pm. It helped but temp still reaching 83.

I can't shift the photoperiod to 6:00pm - 1:00am, too late at night to have lights on.

So i'm thinking about having a photoperiod split into 8:30am - 1:00pm and 5:30pm - 8:00pm. I wonder how the corals/fish would react to this. Anyone has tried it before?
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Would you leave actinics, or a subset of the MH on during the afternoon siesta? I think that would help avoid total photoperiod confusion with your creatures. You're basically creating a 12 hour day otherwise, and I think you can agree that it would be a rather stressful change if your world suddenly started spinning twice as fast. :p
I agree with Nate, and I had similiar temp problems as you over the last 4 days. Try a small fan on your sump hooked up to your aquacontroller. I just did for mine last night... what an amazing difference that makes!!
To vary the lighting intensity during the day should be OK but turning it off and then on just isn?t natural. IMO I don?t think it?s a good idea. I thought you had a chiller on your system. Can?t it keep up?
How different would the proposed changing lighting conditions be than a sudden dark rain storm in the middle of every day? More specifically what is the variation in lighting intensity from clear sky to dark clouds?

I think leaving the lights on all day long at the same level is less natural than Armondo's proposal. It is more a question of how much the lighting level can vary without confusing/harming the livestock.
yes, maybe something in between would be ideal. A shorter gap between the two (or more) cycles. Perhaps I can do something like:

9:00a-12:00p , 2:00p-4:00p , 6:00p-8:00p

It would be like simulating clouds. I mean BIG clouds :D

I'll definitely put a fan like Reef55 suggested, just need to get them out of storage. They were quite useful last year. And this year as you said I can hookup to my aquacontroller, neat!