Transferring tanks


As of right now i have a 20 gallon tank with some Xenia and a Clown in it. Tomorrow I plan on going to pick up a 40 gallon. How would I go about transferring the stuff in a proper way? Pm are welcome!
Make the additional 20 gallon with rodi. Bring the salinty and temp to match the current tank tank. If you have sand in the existing tank, you can either move it after rinsing and cleaning, or use new sand. Do not move the sand as is. it can contain detritus and can spike the nutrients.

And then, you should be good to transfer. As long as temp, salinity and pH are the same, there is no acclimation needed.
Make the additional 20 gallon with rodi. Bring the salinty and temp to match the current tank tank. If you have sand in the existing tank, you can either move it after rinsing and cleaning, or use new sand. Do not move the sand as is. it can contain detritus and can spike the nutrients.

And then, you should be good to transfer. As long as temp, salinity and pH are the same, there is no acclimation needed.
So I could transfer livestock within 24 hours if all my parameters are good?
Set put the 40g im gonna give you plus the sand i have thats from the tank still in water i will also save 10g of the water from the system put it in tank then top off with fresh saltwater and wait until its settled and then transfer systems together patience is key always in this hobby
Also if you only have xenia in system for coral and inverts you wont have to wait long because xenia actually eats nitrates and likes moderate to high nitrates people actually use xenia to lower nitrates in there systems as nitrate scrubbers so i heard
your live rock is where you good main bacteria lives. As long as you go from the 20 to the 40 and not let the rock sit out of water there should be no die off. there is actually minimal bacteria in the water as it grows on the surfaces IE sand, glass, rock, ext…If you are taking just the stuff you have from the 20 to the 40 there should be no cycle. I recommend new sand IMHO it is a lot of work to rinse it properly and it is currently freezing out. The toughest part is to pour in the water and not make a sand storm. I put a large bown upside down and slowly pour water on top of that so sant is not stored up.
One question. I'm not sure has been asked to answered how long has the 20 been up? If it's only been a little bit of time I wouldn't worry tons about the sand, particularly as you have some pretty sturdy creatures in there now and the sand may not have accumulated much detritus.
I just saw from your original post your tank is only been up for two weeks I wouldn't be too concerned about your sand. I would be concerned that to thank may not be cycled. Fortunately clownfish are pretty darn sturdy.