weld on question


i was going to build myself a sump. just wondering how long does it take for the weld on to bond. plus i could use some points on ways to keep the shape while the sump drys and any other help from anyone who has done this before.
Moving to the DIY forum. :)

I didn't build an acrylic sump. Mine is just a modified 55g glass tank.

I've built a few other acrylic projects though. I'll bet Spectrum can give you better tips on sump construction, but for the basics, you'll definitely want a flat surface, and something vertical that you can clamp a side of your sump to while it hardens. A couple hours seems sufficient for handling strength, but overnight is better.
weld-on #4, the really thin stuff, sets in less than a minute. Full strength (holding water) overnight. When I built my last acrylic sump, I set up wood boards into a "V" shape with a 90 degree angle, but a gap at the bottom on one side (see pic). I prop the wood in place with looking like a "V" (in that orientation). I lay the first piece down in the V, sliding it all the way into the bottom of the V. I then place the other piece on top. Now, the gap is for putting in sewing needles, laying them perpendicular to the seam of the two pieces you are joining, and between the two pieces. Then run the thin line of Weld-On #4 between them. After 30 seconds, pull out the needles, letting the two pieces join. Nearly perfect, bubbleless seam that way :)


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