what pump should i use on my bak pak 2


i just got a bak pak skimmer and the pump is really loud and not produceing alot of bubbles what pump should i replace it with?

should i leave the bio bale in? or just leave it empty?

its going to be on a 55 gal tank how much flow should i have in the tank as far as power heads or circulation pumps? its going to have some corals in it.
the tank is currently cycleing.
Generally a maxijet.What is on it now? IMO take the bio bale out....just a detritus collector.Flow is mostly dependant on type of corals.What are you wanting for corals?
I replaced the one on my QT tank with a MJ1200.
Mine was a RR and didn't have the bio-bale stuff.
right now on the skimmer the pump has no name it just says 550. ive took it apart and cleaned it and all the parts are fine but it really loud and doesnt push much water. as for corals in my small tank i have a few small birds nests, a super red mushroom, and some button polyps. as far as the mj1200 goes it says you have to do all kinds of mods to it... do they have to be done? is there a place that tells you how to do it?

thanks for your advice so far
Generally a maxijet.What is on it now? IMO take the bio bale out....just a detritus collector.Flow is mostly dependant on type of corals.What are you wanting for corals?
Right now on it the pump doesnt say a name its just loud as all heck. It does say 550 but its not pushing that much. As for corals i have some birds nest, a super red mushroom
, and a button poylup colony.
As far as the maxijett it says to do a bunch of mods is it nessasary and is there a place that walks you through the mods. Thanks for the advice so far.
They used to come standard with a Reo pump.
There's really only one mod needed.The ventiri for the MJ1200 need to fit on the inlet of the Bak Pak.Some folks also tie on a piece of gutter guard to the impeller.
I'll see if I can find a link.
thanks everyone i got the maxi jet 1200 hooked up to it i just have to find a screen to fit on the end or something. the only problem i have with it is its so loud... its doing its job tho and pulling some nice green tea up but i can hear it all over my house .... is that normal?
it is the older mj1200 mayby i need a new impeller.

does anyone have the link to that first mod on there it wont let me open it.
To quiet it down make yourself a muffler.It's a simple easy fix.You can use PVC with end caps,large pill bottle,most anything...let your creativity go to town.Make a 2 holes in the container a little smaller that your air tube put your air hose in it.You'll need another piece of tubing for the other hole just have it reach near the bottom inside and stick out 1/2" or so.
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