Where do you buy your Acrylic Stuff?

CC Reefer

All right I know you DIYers are out there. I want to try my hand at some acrylic projects and I’m looking for some relatively local (I live on the Cape) suppliers for acrylic sheets, Weld on and other acrylic things. Any beginners advice would be more than welcome too.
What do you want to build? If you're building a sump/refugium then check out some local glass shops for cast acrylic. If you're making a frag rack or some little do-hickies for the tank then HD or Lowes has the cheepy stuff. Check eBay for Weld-On.
Ok great. Thanks for the info. I have never done any acrylic stuff before so I thought I would start with a couple small things then move on to a sump for my 40gal cube tank. I found some good info at Melevsreef.com
Melvesreef is a great place for info (as you've found)

There's also an endless thread on RC in the DIY forum titled something like
"acrylic fabrication questions, I can help" by Acrylics. Great info there also if your patient enough to wade through it. If you do take a look at that, follow the split threads back to page 1 of the original and there's a very nice walk through on making a tank/sump from scratch.

For supplies, if you are in boston anytime (weekdays 9-5ish) Altec on B st generally should have anything you should need (except acrylic tubing).
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