Where to get strong magnets?


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I want to find some strong magnets, basically the same deal as is inside a big mag float but a little stronger.

I've looked around hardware stores exct and found nothing that seemed very strong. Anyone got any ideas?

I want the magnets so I can build a fish trap with a set of built in magnets (sealed in acrylic) so it can be held in place with a mag float, or a DIY mag float type outside. I want this to be strong enough to hold through at least 1/2" glass plus at least 1/8" of acrylic.

See if you can find some old hard drive magnets. They are small and super strong. I would think a computer repair shop would have some.
See if you can find some old hard drive magnets. They are small and super strong. I would think a computer repair shop would have some.

I have a retired PC and a hammer, maybe I'll check this out tonight :)

That Grainger link is great, now does anyone know how to talk magnet specs? I see "lbs pull" ratings, any idea how that's measured or how strong I might want?

I could only guess you would want 20 lb range possibly even higher I tried to look to see if some of the glass mag mfgs had the pull listed but they dont; I guess the higher the better, just be careful placing and remiving them and you should be fine. Good luck with it.
I have link for you John,but it's in my favorites at work.
I'll post it tomorrow,found it while reseaching magnets on RC.
They're and have a pull strength over 80 lbs.
Best part is they're already epoxy coated and at only like 15-20 dollars.
Holy cow, they have endless magnets :eek:


Now what pull do I want? I want this thing to be like a tunze stream holder, you know, the ones that give you blood blisters when your not careful...

hehe. I was going to say look for the ones that carry a warning that they'll take your fingers off. :)

I can't count the number of times I've been attacked by the tunze magnets. Scares the bajeezus out of me every time, adding insult to injury.
Yea, I had my tunze magnet for no more than 90 seconds before I had a blood blister.

Thanks for all the ideas, much appreciated.

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