Who's going to NERAC (Long Island, NY)

bump. Great chance to learn as well as rub elbos with some great authors/researchers.
Im going to a trade show in NJ on Friday and will spend Sat and Sun at NERAC
We're spending Friday and Saturday nights at the Best Western down the street from Atlantis.
Pam(Wife) and I are going...but please, lets not mention the amount of money spent at the auction...pretty please...hehehe...

How many are going to the dinner?

Jeremy, are you bringing livestock?

I think Scott is having a setup too...we are getting there early Saturday and staying through to the end on Sunday...if any of you need help setting up let me know, i will come find ya and help out...

Yeah, we are going to bring some livestock.. not on the scale of the macnas we have done.. but some nice things. :)
:D Jeremy, if you still want to get rid of em, I finaly have room....One Eye's home for one eyed fish is up and running! ;)