Wish me luck

this is me

I like turtles
BRS Member
Just added a nice flame angel in my sps and clams tank.
So far, so good. No nipping yet. But i'm keeping my finger cross for the next 2 weeks.....
Good luck.
I'd love a flame angel.
I wonder if those captured in Hawaii would ever miss with an SPS coral, since SPS corals are rare out there.
Yup, my flame angel is eating!!! feed it frozen mysis and it ate like a pig! i thnk it ate all the food before the gramma gets it. My maroon clown is a SOB! esp the female one. The flame angel cant even go close to its nest(large finger leather).
Flames are cool. Here's some info from RC back when I was researching flames:

Alot of people have problems with flame angels dying after a 6 months or so in their tank. The suspicion is cyanide poisoning.

Right now I have a flame that was given to me that used to be healthy and is not eating and looks to be wasting away (although he's survived over a month without eating so he MUST be picking on something...)

Best thing to do is to get one that's net caught (how do you really guarantee this though?) or better yet pay a little extra and get a tank raised one.
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I had a flame for a few monts before ich took it down, but it never went near my corals!
I couldn't get my dwarf angles to eat any of that frozen specialty food.
They much preferred bits of table shrimp, frozen mysis, chopped mussels, and nori.
I have a coral beauty who eats frozen and flake. He ignored the nori I put in the tank. I have him in my softy tank currently (I want to put him in my SPS/LPS tank) and I think he may be nipping my pink zoanthids and one of my small finger leathers. I did a water change on Sunday, then I noticed this week that the pink zoas polyps were mostly closed and the angel was occassionally picking at them or picking at something on them. No conclusions have been made so far.
You pretty much have to make the call whether you like your corals more or the angel more because you will never know. Some people have had perfectly well behaved angels start picking at corals out of the blue.
From lots of previous reading on RC, the general consensus from many reefers is that all centropyges are hit and miss as far as whether they will irritate the corals in your tank by nipping at them. Pygmy/Cherubs tend to be the safest bet.

Personal experience: bicolor used to nip at frogspawn, flame is well behaved.
I have had a Flame and a Coral Beauty in my tank 46gal and they have left my my corals (sps & lps) alone. They bnoth eat readly what ever I put in the tank, frozen brine, frozen Herbavore (SP?) flake and I also made a batch of fish goo. No eating problems what so ever. Although I do not have a clam in the tank as of yet I cannot speak of any problems with clams.

Good luck
I just lost my flame angle after 2 years in my tank. Had never bothered my corals or my clams. I just realized I did not see him for a day or 2 . Checked the whole tank, no sign of him, but a hair alge bloom now... I will get another one, and take my chances. They are striking.
alright, no sign of nipping on any corals or my clams. Ate like a pig when i fed it. The only problem is that my tank is still very boring!! no movement!! the two clowns spend their days sitting in a large finger leather. The Royal gramma is hiding in caves and such. And the Flame angel is also hiding underneath the caves.......the cleaner shrimp is sitting beneath the overflow box all day except feeding time, and the pepermint shrimp is nowhere to be found until its feeding time.....obviuosly the SPS and clams dont move........sigh.......sometime i want to get rid of the finger leather so that the clowns will be swimming aroung but i dont think i can do that.
Is my light too bright or something? all the fishes seem to be hanging around where the shade is. 250DE on a 37cube (24x18x20)
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