Wish me luck...


Fresh, New Reefer Smell
BRS Member
I'm about to test the baffles in my new sump. I set the silicone yesterday and its time to see if it leaks (after I have a couple beers, of course).

It's better to let it sit for two or more days before water....
Good Luck I just leak tested mine, and all is well. Except I cannot fit it under my stand. It WILL fit, but I cannot get it thru the door. I guess I will have to take out one of the supports, and deal with it that way.
It's better to let it sit for two or more days before water....

I do hereby elect you President of the "I wish I knew what you knew before I did what I did" club.

The first baffle was fine, just one lil leak in a corner.

The second one was...less fine. Some holes on the sides.

The last one (which I set just yesterday) was like a spaghetti strainer shot with a machine gun.

Fortunately, I still have some more silicone. I poured the water out. Gonna let it sit for a couple days to make sure its real REAL real dry. Then try again.

Maybe the sump will be ready just after labor day.
Good Luck I just leak tested mine, and all is well. Except I cannot fit it under my stand. It WILL fit, but I cannot get it thru the door. I guess I will have to take out one of the supports, and deal with it that way.

you run a 75 right?

What size sump did you buy?

*crosses fingers*
*Don't say a 30long. Don't say a 30long. Don't say a 30long.*
Oh ya. I move fast. I posted, then started pouring water into the sump.

Doesn't take long for a leak to leak :(
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