looking for local store with cephs (octo or cuttlefish)


not shure if this is in the right place but i'm looking to buy an octopus and would rather buy one i can see first so if anyone knows a local store with one in stock i'd like to here about it.
i'm also on the lookout for cuttlefish eggs
Never seen them local, but do keep in mind they don't live in captivity for more than roughly one year and are best kept in a species only tank.

Though there are a few out there that I believe do live longer or could maybe be kept with other things. But at an LFS? Never seen it.

I know LiveAquaria has them, but that's obviously not local.

"Always approach the Octopus slowly to avoid causing it to release its ink cloud in defense. In the aquarium, this release of ink will necessitate a large water change to avoid its death. "

I'd rather not have to worry about that everyday... Lol.
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thanks for the concern but i have done alot of research and i know all the requierments this is not somthing i'm doing on impulse, i have multiple tanks that could house one.i have 3 seperate mantis tanks right now so i'm used to species only tanks
i sent an e-mail to liveaquria asking about specifics of markings that might indicate what species they have available and they replyed saying that they have white,green and tan octos available, this is why a want to find one localy, age and species are alot easier to tell in person
ive seen them at "unique aquaria" give them a call, im sure if they doesnt have any in stock they can work somthing out
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