upcoming events

Hey fishie,

Sorry, Anthony and I had troubles booking/finding a venue with enough notice for attendance. So to make it up to you guys we are planning a couple LFS field trips. July and August. North and south trips to support local stores and our sponsors.

I will take the blame for the lack of May meeting and June BBQ. New school this year new evaluation end of year hub bub took more energy than I had. Oh yeah plus the 5 month old took some of my attention away.

Anthony also offered to host a BBQ in August. If he can only just tell work NO we can plan that too.

So expect several summer events once we get the map outlined we will offer “tickets” (we will either rent a van or a bus depending on attendance”. Free to members fee for non-members.

Thanks for the rapid response. I completely understand being a teacher is a demanding job that is greatly under appreciated. This time of year is very busy for you peeps. We were just able to get our final IEP meeting in on Monday.:confused:
Hey fishie,

Sorry, Anthony and I had troubles booking/finding a venue with enough notice for attendance. So to make it up to you guys we are planning a couple LFS field trips. July and August. North and south trips to support local stores and our sponsors.

I will take the blame for the lack of May meeting and June BBQ. New school this year new evaluation end of year hub bub took more energy than I had. Oh yeah plus the 5 month old took some of my attention away.

Anthony also offered to host a BBQ in August. If he can only just tell work NO we can plan that too.

So expect several summer events once we get the map outlined we will offer “tickets” (we will either rent a van or a bus depending on attendance”. Free to members fee for non-members.

Not going to let Time all the blame on this one. It was delegated to myself to setup some meetings and topics. 1st year on the board and wasn't really sure how things operated. @aresangel and @jamesdong009 great guys and have been running this club alone for some time. Thankfully, we have a good group that all hold their weight as in keeping the vision of this club, thing will run a lot smoother going forward.
Thanks for the rapid response. I completely understand being a teacher is a demanding job that is greatly under appreciated. This time of year is very busy for you peeps. We were just able to get our final IEP meeting in on Monday.:confused:

End of year final IEP meetings are much better than beginning of year ones. Probably why it took so long they tend to schedule them all at the end of the year. I went to 3 of the 15 we had this last month! At the end of the year teachers have a far better understanding on what accommodations and modifications students need rather than at the beginning of the year when the student is well rested and still going strong. Sorry it took so long for you but the long run will be better!