When was the last time...


Acan's are inedible candy
Staff Member
BRS Member
When was the last time you just sat and stared at your tank? I sat looking at my tank and forgot how much fun it is. There are so many little creatures crawling around on the rocks. It was fun, it brought me back to the days when I used to stare at my rocks when they were cycling looking for the creatures.

On another positive side note I found 2 small aspistia that I need to get rid of and I would have never found them unless I was looking so carefully.
Yep, every day. Sometimes at night with a red flashlight, or I stare at the fuge and watch the critters. I think I have a problem.

Tank watchers anonymous?:p.....if so sign me up, time to go look at the tank again;).
I even take macros of my rocks :eek:

A few seconds ago... (My pico tank is right next to my desk)

I'll spend hours staring at the 'pods and near-microscopic worms and the rocks and...
Way better for the hypertension than what's on TV.

Every day I can....and most recently....right now as i sit and type this on my laptop :D
I can tell you when I'm not staring at my tank. When I'm at work and when I'm sleeping.:D
I just got into the hobby (reefs) in January. For me, it was so much fun building the tank and getting new frags every week. But, I only have a 30g, so it didn't take long to fill! After the initial build, I really was just going through the motions with it for about 6 weeks. Then this week, I have been spending time just watching it. It's great. I would probably kill somebody if I didn't have it. And I have discovered that you always want to change things and it's fun to always work on it.
Yep, every day. Sometimes at night with a red flashlight, or I stare at the fuge and watch the critters. I think I have a problem.

LOL. Me too. Sometimes I think I spend more time looking at the fuge than the display. My wife thinks I'm weird because I will lie on the ground with a magnifying glass staring at the thing.
LOL. Me too. Sometimes I think I spend more time looking at the fuge than the display. My wife thinks I'm weird because I will lie on the ground with a magnifying glass staring at the thing.

I guess i'm lucky as I can just lean on my bench in the basement and stare into the fuge.
There's 1/2 a dozen mini brittles in there I got from Greg.And a whole lot of pods starting to expand in numbers.
But I have noticed one thing,that tank is going to need it's own magfloat soon.And time to get a few snails in there.
Re: Staring . . .

I can tell you when I'm not staring at my tank. When I'm at work and when I'm sleeping.:D

I agree! :)

It's good to know that we're not the only ones out there doing the same things - lights off, colored flashlights - you name it! We stare ALL the time . . .

I often wonder what our neighbors think is going on inside the house!?!
Every Day!!!

I am posting from my laptop just a few feet from my tanks.
I am guilty of laying on the floor and staring into the fuge as well.
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