Adding dry rock to an established tank


Any advice on adding dry rock I’ve had sitting in a 5gl bucket for 5 years to a 7yo tank? Just got over an aptasia explosion and I’m only seeing it again on one rock which I’m thinking of switching out.
Hmmm… not good, my phosphate is already at .25. Been trying to lower that as it is with water changes and cutting down on feedings. Thanks man.
I find adding new (dry/dead) rock goes a LOT better if I let it sit in my dark sump for a month or longer first. This way, the new rock gets a chance to develop some biological slime and micro fauna, so it's not just be a sterile surface that will attract nuisance everything. To use BRS (the store, not our site) lingo, it can make the difference between a week of "uglies" vs months of "uglies".
I find adding new (dry/dead) rock goes a LOT better if I let it sit in my dark sump for a month or longer first. This way, the new rock gets a chance to develop some biological slime and micro fauna, so it's not just be a sterile surface that will attract nuisance everything. To use BRS (the store, not our site) lingo, it can make the difference between a week of "uglies" vs months of "uglies".
Got ya, thanks. I’ve always kept small pieces of live rock I figured I’d never use in my sump. After hearing that I think I’ll swap it out with better pieces that I’d actually use in my display. After reading your post and then typing it out it would only make sense to have good rock in my sump. All set with the uglies lol just started giving the tank the love it deserves after letting it go for a bit.
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