Adding livestock


When starting up a new setup, what shoud be added in what order? Fish, cleanup crew or corals?

I'm pretty sure corals should be last. From what I've read, they should only be introduced to an established tank - for best results.
How long has your tank been running? I'd let it run with just the live rock for a month then add your cleanup crew. At 2-3 months add a couple of corals. See how it goes for a couple of weeks. This will give your micro live to become established. Add a few corals at a time to let your system adjust as the bioload in creases. I would add herbivor fish at about 6 months again adding slowly is much better in the long run. Lastly I would add "predetor fish" (Wrasses, gobys, Dragonets ect.) at about 1 year.
The tank has been running two weeks one week with just sand, water salt, heat and he skimmer. I introduced cured live rock last week as well as a cup of live sand. The parameters are all what they should be.
i would let it ride like that for a couple more weeks then start with cleanup crew. watch everything and after another week start with some fish and corals
Please be Patient.... I agree with everyone here. Just take it VERY slowly. You will enjoy the hobby instead of hating it. Have you have you diatome bloom yet?
It looks like the best advice is to wait a few more weeks than introduce a clean up crew. There has been no Diatom Bloom yet. the other thing there are no signs of live. What should I be looking for and at what stage of the process?
