Anemone help

Wow, that’s a lot of anemone’s. I’ve heard when you feed them or water quality is off they split more often. I’ve had one for over a year now. When I first put anemone in it split within two months. I was feeding and water quality was not at its best. Since then my water quality is much better and my feeding habits have changed. I don’t target feed anymore. Since then the anemone hasn’t split, but it’s gotten pretty big. Probably 5+ inches. Anyway your tank looks nice with all of them.
Best way to remove is power headflowing directly on it. It works but takes time. You will see anemone moving just keep redirecting flow till it’s ready to let go with little force. Don’t pull them or scrape and injure their feet. You don’t want hen to get infection. Hope this helps. Good luck