Attaching frags - question

Mrs Fish

I want to attach some of the small frags that are doing well to the rock permanently. Previously I had found holes in the rockwork to stand them in, but snails and hermits sometimes knock them off.

Is it OK to use the hardening aquarium mounting putty and try to stick them on the rock? These are SPS. I can't remove the rock from the water, so I'd have to do it under water. Anyone else do this?
Epoxy putty or superglue gel will work and can be done under water. You can take the coral out of the water and put a good amount of glue on the bottom, then stick it on the rock where you want. Sometimes you may have to use a little more glue if it won't stay the first time.
Be careful about mounting SPS directly into epoxy putty as it could possibly RTN the coral -- LPS is no problem to mount directly into putty. I would reccomend super glueing SPS to a frag disc or piece of rubble and then using the epoxy to mount it to its permanent location. Also, be careful as to the type of putty that you use b/c some will make your skimmer go into overdrive. I have had best luck with the Deltec putty -- although it is a little bit pricey. It gives off some residue in the water but does not effect my skimmer at all and holds pretty solid.

Personally, when mounting the frags I find it easiest to do it out of the water. Dry off the mounting surface and the base of the sps. Place a decent amount of glue on the mounting surface and then hold the frag in place. I also keep a small cup of tank water next to me so that I can put the mounted frag in it to help the curing process and let it stabalize a bit while it is easier to manipulate and control the frag in the small cup.
Andy, the approach you mention is what I use to attach the SPS frag to rubble, however, I have been placing the rubble with frag mounted on it on the LR without any adhesive - in general this has worked ok, except for the period frag that falls off and needs rescuing. Will epoxy bond the rubble to the LR?
Andy, the approach you mention is what I use to attach the SPS frag to rubble, however, I have been placing the rubble with frag mounted on it on the LR without any adhesive - in general this has worked ok, except for the period frag that falls off and needs rescuing. Will epoxy bond the rubble to the LR?

It holds it in place but it will not fuse it there. If you where to hit it hard enough it would probably come off or if you needed to remove the frag it is easy enough to remove the rubble and epoxy. With clean up crew I just find it to risky unless I can wedge the rubble tightly enough into the rock work.
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