Blue spot jawfish- anyone seen any around locally?

We have one bluespot jawfish available. Had em for atleast 10 weeks. He goes for 99.99. Call ahead if interested Thanks. 6034582247
Thanks for the kind words on our shop as well guys. Means a lot to us
lovely pets in quincy ma gets them all the time... they are big jumpers so you must cover overflows and top.... I believe they get 100 for them but dont quote me lol
No offense...but DD does not actually do the QT process they claim on all of their Fish....I know this both from suppliers of theirs and former employees...

None taken and I can't stay for sure if that is true or not, but they certainly back up their product with top notch CS. They are generally the first site people recommend for online fish sales and my experience with then has been nothing but top notch.

...stupid auto correct
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Speaking from experience, jawfish can be problematic. If you have a DSB, they dig like mad and can release all sorts of junk from the DSB. They also make a mess of sandbed corals. I have a yellowhead that's killed frags he used to make a burrow, killed corals he has burried, and he has stirred up the DSB so much my tank had gotten totally out of whack a few times. I'm not a fan lol, so just wanted to pass that info before any headaches happened.
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>When I kept one it dug a tunnel complex that spread out @ 2'x3', almost the entire sandbed in my 120 looked like a big ant farm. It was pretty impressive. >

John, I know you had yours for a while. How long and how did it meet it's final demise?
I had it for 1-2 yrs, closer to 2. I actually don't know what happened to it, I never found a dried up body to confirm a jump and the way the tank was set up I'm pretty sure I would have sooner or later. It was active and always darting around the tank when I would feed, then one day I stopped seeing it?
Only one I know of long term...and that is not even really long term, is in one of our clients 300 gallon reef. He has been there for almost 4 years. So many Fish in that tank that are WAY bigger than him...he stays put in his burrow for Almost every other one I know of has not made it past 2 years...for some reason almost 80% of the time it is from jumping out. We had one at Skipton's in Boston, he was in the 144gal half circle. He was there for almost 4 years...then found him on the floor one morning... :(
If I still have mine (i'll know in a few days) he has been in captivity in my tank for 6 months, and the guy I got him from had him for 9 months.
That being said, I haven't seen him in over a week now. But he likes to hide for many days at a time sometimes when he's working on new burrows.
I've had mine going on 18 months. Some time about 3 months ago, it stopped coming out for food. Still active around the tank, moving sand here and there. But I have to spot feed it every night. Otherwise looks nice and healthy still.