calcium too high, alk and PH are fine.


According to the API calcium test kit, my calcium is at 520-540.
I don't dose anything.
My PH (red sea lab test) is between 8-8.4.
Alk (red sea lab) is in the "normal area" 1.7-2.8 the color is closer to 2.0-2.8
Salinity is at 1.025
Temperature = 79
I use reef crystals.

Like I said, I don't dose ANYTHING.

I do water changes once a week, 10%, but I added 3 fish last week, so I am doing two water changes weekly, around 10% each. One on Friday and one on Tuesday after feeding the corals.

I think I will bring my water to a LFS this weekend so they can look at it.

I have all zoas, mushroom, soft and palys, except for a hammer, and a 10" squamosa clam.
Everything is open and looks healthy.

Any thoughts?
The paramiters seem fine to me. If you don't add anything and its that high it's because the Reefcrystals maintain it at that level. I wouldn't mess with your paramiters if nothing is dying and if there is not calcium precipitation. Since you aren't adding anything other than water changes I would just leave it how it is. The calcium should be consumed and drop on its own.
What is your magnesium at? Magnesium plays a big role in keeping Cal and Alk in balance. If your not testing it at least once a month you should start to.

Magnesium is the third most abundant ion in seawater, behind sodium and chloride. It is also intimately involved in a great many biological processes in every living organism. Nevertheless, the situation that usually brings it to most reef aquarists' attention is when it is suspected of causing a problem with maintaining appropriate calcium and alkalinity levels. In full strength seawater (salinity = 35 PSU (= ppt)), magnesium is present at approximately 1285 ppm. Magnesium is about five times more abundant than calcium on a per ion basis. Magnesium is significantly lighter than calcium, so when compared on a weight basis, it is only about three times as concentrated (1285 ppm vs. 420 ppm).
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The paramiters seem fine to me. If you don't add anything and its that high it's because the Reefcrystals maintain it at that level. I wouldn't mess with your paramiters if nothing is dying and if there is not calcium precipitation. Since you aren't adding anything other than water changes I would just leave it how it is. The calcium should be consumed and drop on its own.

Just notice the last part of your post. What was the alk measure as (meg/l, dkh, ppm)? + 1 on what mchartier said. Check you mag if its off you can never get you calcium and al to stay where you want them. One will be higher than the other. With clam in the tank you alk and mag would drop very quickly.
Just notice the last part of your post. What was the alk measure as (meg/l, dkh, ppm)? + 1 on what mchartier said. Check you mag if its off you can never get you calcium and al to stay where you want them. One will be higher than the other. With clam in the tank you alk and mag would drop very quickly.

I will buy a magnesium test kit today as well as a second ph and Alk test.
Alk is meg/l

Not only nothing is dying, but things are growing. The hammer is splitting 2 heads, although a third head is not doing great (brand new hammer, one week old from Petco). Polyps are growing and so are mushrooms. The clam is wide open. My pipe organ coals are also growing. Candy cane is doing fine, fish are fine, so are the snails and brittle star fish.

Reef crystals says that cal should be around 430 with my salinity.
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