Catching a 6 Line Wrasse


Can anyone share ways to catch this fish w/out tearing the tank apart? He has turned on my leopard wrasse. I have a 125G w/LR. I have had a fish trap in for 3 days but so far he hasn't gone in. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Just keep feeding the fish trap only. All your fish will eventually go in when they get hungry enough. You can also use a glass vase to do the same thing. Just have a net ready to block the entrance. This has always worked for me over the years
I had the same problem trying to catch a Molly Miller blenny. Every fish would go into the trap except for him, even without feeding the tank for a week at a time. I gave up in the end :eek:
You can also try to find where he's sleeping in the sand and get him with a net then

Except they don't sleep in the sand :) They sleep in the rockwork, in a mucous cocoon. But you could try and pull the rock it sleeps in. Otherwise, the inverted bottle trick usually works with them.
Cut the top off of a 1-liter, 2-liter (or something similar) and invert it. You need to secure it (you can cut holes and use zip ties). Then just put some food in the bottle and wait. Fish can get it, but can't get out!
i had a separate compartment in my fish trap that i put live brine and frozen mysis in,then used to use a turkey baster to blast some food into the fish trap,then immediately close the door of my trap with the attached line.then i would slowly open it enough that a fish couldnt get in for the food untill the target fish approached the opening then i would open it just enough for him to get in. of course other fish would get in and eat all the food and i would have to re-bait ,but i always caught the most difficult fish.