Clam not open tonight


Now with more baby
My clam isn't open tonight for some reason. I can't find anything different, I checked all parameters and they are good. I turned him over and checked the bottom and didn't see anything wrong. I know you're supposed to look for pyramid snails. No new clams or corals recently and I havn't seen anyone picking on him. Just a snail eating alge on the shell, but that isn't unusual.
Anything else I should check for or do?
I've had him since macna, he's a crocea sitting up on the rockwork, about 8 inches across.
not really. I moved a little female mandarin into the main display from the fuge. That caused a lot of moving the chaeto around but I do that a lot. didn't do much out of the ordinary
Hmmm...I have seen mine close up for a day or two if i shifted something, lighting really had a big effect, and water changes. I noticed also that if I filtered carbon and the water clarity got better the clams reacted to more light...I would wait another day, does it look bad, or just not open...any picking or more action around it than normal?
Oh, you just reminded me that I changed the settings on my tunzes. I wonder if that could be it?
I am sure that is it...I would watch the clam for a while and see how it adjusts...not to make you scared, but I just killed a clam with my tunze, i had it set on 30% pulse for a few days while I tested the controller out, well I guess after I pulled it out of the tank the clam wasn't happy about something and I came back 2 days later and the shell was missing the clam, I am not sure if it was stress, or something else but i was bummed, it was my wifes fav clam. A gold ultra maxima...just keep an eye on it to make sure it adjusts ok to the new flow...good luck
