Coral and Super Glue Contact


I plan to reglue some frags and need to know if the super glue and skin of corals can come in contact with each other. Are there any effects to the coral or your water for that matter?
I plan to reglue some zoas to plugs.
The glue has to come in contact with the skin of the coral. For zoa's it's alright if it is the base just don't get any glue around the mouth/top of the zoa otherwise it'll kill the zoa.

With SPS your going to have to sacrifice the skin on the base of the frag. The glue chokes out living tissue so it dies. For LPS same approach, you glue the base & avoid the soft tissue above.

I've glued multiple frags at once without any noticeable effect to my water. I usually don't glue the frags inside my tank because the glue gets a "skin" which makes it act like putty rather than glue. I typically glue the frags outside of the tank allowing the air to slightly harden the glue. At the same time I squirt tank water on the frags to keep them from drying out.
most super glues heat up when curing so be sure to dip the freshly glued ones into water to keep as you do them
i have glued several frags and so far the only ones that seem to be effected by glue are the leather corals,the leathers i have glued stay closed for a long time after,,,a long time.
I had just glued most of the corals I had picked up from the meeting there's only two corals that didn't seem to like the liquid version of super glue my AOG zoa is a bit pale and a SPS frag thats bleaching out a bit. IMO the gel super glue is much easier to work with and it saves me from getting glued onto my frags lol. I have been concerned with the chemical I'm releasing into my DT I tend to wait Min's to allow the super glue to dry up before introducing the frag into my DT. I wonder if anyone has done test to see how super glue affects the chemistry in a Reef tank?
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