cpr bak pak


Toothless Reefing
anyone have the threads for DIY mods on the bak pak? anyone put chaeto in instead of the blue media or bio balls and have it work properly in there? -with or w/o a light? thanks...
I ordered a half dozen accela impellars a few months ago..to simply play around with. If you able to drill 3 holes in each blade of the impellar...and then criss cross your fishing line...it gives it more of a needle wheel effect. if you have an extra bio ball laying around...you can cut it down to a needle wheel shape..thats pretty effective too.

you can also mess around with restricting the intake to the pump. if you still have the strainer for your pump...you can add some 5 min epoxy to it bit by bit to cut down on the intake surface area...

could try some pvc mod like this. bit less turbulence
hmm...i have this weird rio600 on it right now the bubbles are pretty good...i put a regular twist valve onthe top of the air intake and that increased bubbled production like 5x...going to switch it over to the maxi12 this weekend and mod it with fishing line i'll let you know how that goes....thanks sokretys

sweet hammer :)
hahaha ya do what ya gotta do..the pump was vibrating like mad against the back wall...just now i glued the thumb screw housing back on...lol