DIY fish room


Hi, made a quick video of my partially complete Fish Room.

- Return line has a temp patch on it, will be replaced.
- Drip plate not installed yet
- CA Reactor not installed yet
- FT - Radion & MP10 finish wiring not complete. I'll be drilling a hole and running the wires behind the tank
- Refugium not online yet

Bonus points to anyone who can identify the music.

This was the design.

...stupid auto correct
Very nice... Im going to do something like this for my 240 but i dont have as much room as you do.. going to try and put more things vertically on the walls. Cant wait to see it all done!
Thanks. I have slowly been chewing into our store room, but I have been told I'm out of real estate. :)

I was initially able to sell the idea because I was killing the hard wood floors around the tank. This way all water work will now be in the basement.

...stupid auto correct
Had a Beastie Boys track on it. I just removed it. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but at the same time I get it. I removed it. It will take a few minutes for it to update.

...stupid auto correct