DIY VorTech Battery Backup

I'll bump it up again. If you own a vortech this is very worth doing. Winter is here power goes out, save your livestock.
Here's an update: MP40 ran 26 hours on default 20% setting with the 18 amp hour battery. I ended up going to Walmart and getting a car battery on the second day. I consider 26 hours pretty good performance. If I set battery mode at 10% (320gph) I should get even more.
With more and more people getting the vortech figured I'd bump bobbofin's post, one of my favorite diy.
Well I guess really that when I lose power is in the summer when I wouldnt need a heater anyways. If only there were a way to control a fan to turn on and off at certain temps during a power outtage. I guess anything short of a back up generator won't do.
That can be done with a 12v fan. You can pick up some type of thermal sensor that can turn the fan on and off as needed. The fan can run off the vortech battery backup. As long as the battery has some sort of charger, it'll stay fully charged.

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I seem to loose power in the summer and did this a while ago so figured I'd bump it again for folks with vortech.
This works great!! Just built one of these what did everyone use for the terminal connectors? Also how much of a fire hazard can this be with exposed terminals?
Thanks! :cool: