excess algae


i recently set up a new light system over my 46gal reef tank. it is a t-5 w/ a 96 watt blue and a 96 watt white, as well as 3 lunar.i am now experiencing major algae and grass build-up. the glass must be scraped daily and the grass is growing long and everywhere! any suggestions? everything else is great!

what about more snails or an algae eating fish (lawnmower blenny?)
currently have a mated pair of true perculas w/anemone, midas blenny, six-line wrasse, flame angel, and several small chromies. also several hard and soft corals, polyps. etc. several peppermint and variety of cleaner shrimp.

Snails do great with algae and a lawnmower blennie would help too. BTW, if you are saying the correct wattage, those are not T-5 you have, they are power compacts.
i run the blue lite from from 8am to 8 pm with the white from 10am to 7pm on timers. last week water tested great (my fish store owner was envious!). going today to have tested again. thinking about a second protein skimmer with a surface collector as i DO have a oily slick and algae floating.