Has anyone heard of a rare "Yellow Elephantis Tang" from the Lord Bibah Islands?


Call me IGOR :)
The title made me think of a line in the Breakfast Club. I was expecting the picture to look a little different :eek:
I think Dong has one

Yes, mine eats bamboo and poops banana. Occasionally it drinks snake oils.
It is reef safe except it will selectively trample over any Tyree or Jason Fox coral.
Also, it is best kept in a two weeks old pico tank along with a dolphin.
I know Dolphins require a small tank to live in, but does your Dolphin gets along with your Yellow Elephantis Tang? I wonder if you can cross breed them?
No way in a pico tank, they need a sunb-pico tank so that they can get close to each other. I am doing 1% water change per year and it sure helps.
Do you like the new paint job? It makes the tang swim faster.
Nuts! I will try to feed it some nuts! Elephant likes nuts, I think the elephant tang will like it too.