How many Stomatella is too many?


Well, about 3 months ago I had what looked like 2 full size Stomatella snails. Now they are breeding. Quite a bit, actually. I am up over 10, that I can see. They are all various sizes. I am glad to know my tank is doing well enough to promote the growth, but when should I start pulling them out? Would hate to become overrun with them.

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In my tank there were a lot, at the start. Along the months, with things being more mature the population started to decline to the point that I miss them.


Ps: if you are nearby Westford send me a PM before tossing them in the future! !!
I can never have enough stomatella snails even though I have thousands of them. They live for about 1 to 2 years so reproduction is important to sustain a colony big enough for an effective cleanup crew. They dramatically reduce my clean up crew cost over the years.
Never enough, they're great

The whole "impregnating the water" thing got me a little wierded out the other day. Actually had to research what the heck I was watching. Thought it was having like projectile vomiting or something. Haha

With the move coming up, I'm not sure how many I can save. They are in every crevice I can see. I will save as many as I can and when I see fresh ones after the tank is re-established, I will collect some to give out. I don't like a crowded glass. That's half the reason of giving up some of my cuc. The large turbos are a pain to look at.

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I use to have a bunch of stomatellas but then everything changed when the fire nation attacked... :mad:

The asterina star population inclined and my stomatella population declined.
I had a fist full of asterina come in on some recent rock, but they didn't last long. As of right now, I can only see half of one, and it's in the sump.

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