How to plumb two tanks together, side by side


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
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BRS Member
I have two 55 gallon tanks side by side. How to plumb the two tanks together without drilling. The water level will be the same on both tank. Thanks
Thanks Peter.

Since the two tanks are right next to each other, my situation should be less complex than Armando's.
All you need is a U-tube that's below the waterline in both tanks. I'd use two so if one loses siphon the other will do the job and prevent a flood.

If the two tanks are connected by a sufficiently sized siphon, then the level of the tanks will remain equal.
Will air bubble build up inside the sipon due to slow water flow? Imageine the water levels in two tanks are so close to each other and will the sipon power be small?
Yes, any air in the siphon could cause it to stop working. You could put a vent on top of the loops hooked up to a small powerhead to remove air.

Any difference in water level will be equalized by atmospheric pressure, as long as the U-tubes are big enough to not restrict the flow between the tanks.
You could also just plumb both tanks seperately into a shared sump. Use CPR or other brand add on overflows.