Kalk Dripping ??s


Funny... I was thinking the same. I do NOT want the alk higher. It is in the optimal range. I will use the part 2 of my B-ionic to get the calc higher and go from there.

NHDiva... :) Thanks. I was looking for that same article. The subsection "What Else Does Limewater Do In An Aquarium? Reduce Phosphate" is where I read about the phosphate locking in a crystaline form. Thanks again!

Reef55. How you doin? Is all that setup done? I still can't imagine what it looks like with all that tank from AA!! Must be schweet!!!!

I do check Magnesium and regularly. I had "issues" last year because I filled my sump with like a hundred mangrove pods. I ended up keeping just a couple, but it is amazing how much they take in Magnesium! I'll be sure to keep it in line...especially now that I'm dripping Kalk.
