Lighting question, corals their adjusting to different light


Okay, I have a few questions, We recently piped in our 30 gallon frag tank to our 90 display tank to keep it more stable, but over my display tank are two LED lights, and over the frag tank is a metal halide.
The halide is about 18 inches from tank and the tank frag rack is about 6 inches from top of the water. So, what is the best way to transition some corals from the display tank to the halide tank because of the lighting difference?

I have lots of things I need to frag like Zoas, and soft corals because of a space problem, and don't want to shock and kill them in the new lighting. Any suggestions???
you could use a light diffuser or piece of fine nylon mesh screen (kind used on doors/windows) to reduce the intensity of the light. are you able to raise the MH light so it is further above the surface of the frag tank? or lower the frag rack? both?
Can't lower the frag rack since the tank itself is short/shallow, but can go higher with the light, how high should the halide be?
i would raise it up another 6-12" . all of this really depends on how powerful the leds in your display are, and the unknown spectrum differences between your halide and leds. better to be safe than sorry.