lighting question?


reefing again!
I have a 96w 50/50 powercompact over a 10 gallon tank, do you think thats enough for lps corals like hammers or frogspawns?
i have 80w pc over a 10g.....and ive been able to keep alot of things........i have some m. digi and its grown probably an inch or two in the past month, month and a half.........i actually just got a hammer yesterday and put him in last night, so i havent been home yet to check on him, but i'll let you know later on tonight.........everything else that i've put in there has been growing and doing really well though, so with 96w you should be fine.......
pearlmaj said:
i have 80w pc over a 10g.....and ive been able to keep alot of things........i have some m. digi and its grown probably an inch or two in the past month, month and a half.........i actually just got a hammer yesterday and put him in last night, so i havent been home yet to check on him, but i'll let you know later on tonight.........everything else that i've put in there has been growing and doing really well though, so with 96w you should be fine.......

thanks, thats good to know.