Maybe this is a stupid question


....But where does everybody buy their bigger tanks (100 gallons and up)? I currently have a 10. 20 hex and a 29 t w/ live rock and fish, the 20 hex has been up for almost 2 yrs. w/ gorgonian,xania,zoanthids,green star an button polyps as well as 2 types of shooms? My wife and I have seriously caught the bug and want to step up to reef w/ corals and seagrasses (if anyone has info on that). First time posting by the way ...hello everyone from Mark in Warren.
Hey Mark, welcome to the insane asylum :D

I bougt my 125g on craigslist
I bought my 180g on the BRS forum on RC

How big is big?
I consider these normal size :)
I buy my tanks from my buddy that had his own store and now has retierd an has a gerage full of tanks pm me and maybe I can help you out
Hey Dave, well I guess I'm talking "normal" for you and huge for More or less looking for a 125. Have you ever heard anything about Are they reputable? and what is craigslist? so many questions and not enough RAM...he he he
Craigslist is like E-Bay, but is divided into local cities
Thye don't charge to list stuff

I haven't heard about aquatraders
There are a lot of people on this board, and usually tanks are always coming up for sale. But tanks 100g & up are fewer & further between
Hi Mark,


To the Boston Reefers' Society!!

There are a lot of used tanks sold in the Equipment forums here on these boards. Good deals to be had.
Thanks for the info Dave, I'll be popping back in later and let you know how my search goes. I'll check out that craigslist too. Have to take the four leg out and then examine the back of the eyelids so's I can awake bright eyed and all that at 4:30 am for a 12 hr shift. Have a nice P.M. all.
Lovely pets in quincy.. I got a 75 gallon perfecto tank there for 129.... he has 125's also and i am sure he can order larger
here's the best deals on tanks don't take my word call and find john at sea creatures in RI closed sun/mon(401)354-6477 or my pet world in worcester 508 852-5560 ask for brian senior (only)it will be worth the ride.
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