Metric to Standard adapters


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BRS Member
Does anyone know where I can buy metric to standard pvc adapters locally? The new tank I got came predrilled with metric and all the plumbing(bulkheads) with it came with metric as well.
what metric size is it? some metric sizes are really close to standard ones in which case you could use a standard bulkhead as those do not need to be a perfect fit.
You could try Sea Creatures, CRA, Underwater World.

Called them and no one carries them.

what metric size is it? some metric sizes are really close to standard ones in which case you could use a standard bulkhead as those do not need to be a perfect fit.

I've never seen any metric to standard adaptors locally. It may be easier and no more expensive to replace the bulkheads with the closest standard size and be done with it.


I already tried the standard bulkheads and the flange of the standard one does not fit as the holes are too close to the overflow wall. I was told they're drilled that way since they're meant to metric size.

I might have to order them online via coralvue
Have you tried both ABS and sch80 bulkheads? Probably won't solve the probem, but doesn't hurt to consider (bulk reef supply's website has accurate measurements for hole size and flange size for both types in all common sizes) Sch80s use larger holes, but IIRC the flanges are relatively smaller compared to the ABS bulkheads.

Otherwise I'd suck it up and order from coralvue. Do it right once, have no regrets :)
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I tried both of those and the flange is still a little bit too big.

I'm going to order them for coralvue at the end of the week. I'm trying to figure out the adapter size I need. The imperial size pipes are measured from the inner diameter if I'm not mistaken. The metric pipe that I have has written on it 20mm x 2.0mm, I measured the outer diameter and got 20mm, the inner diameter reads 15mm. The drain pipe if measured from the outside it's 40mm from the inner diameter it's 35mm.

Coralvue only sells: 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, etc. I'm assuming I would need the 20mm and 40mm correct? Just confused by the inner and outer diameter readings between imperial and metric.
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Oh my, PVC sizing is silly. I know for standard sizes the pipe "size" is neither the ID or the OD. If you look on the site, they list the ID and OD for different PVC sizes. Flexpvc might have something similar for metric sizes, but I'm not sure, I'll go take a look...

Edit, Haha, it's right here. See the spread sheet;

Edit again; That might not be as helpful as I expected. The stickers on the pipes should be right. If you can get an adaptor that's, say 20mm x 1/2" then that sould match your pipe and 1/2" standard pipe (even though 1/2" standard pipe is larger than 20mm). The metric end should be male, and I think the standard sizes are also male, but either way as long as you get the metric end to match up it'll be easy to source the standard parts for the other end locally, be it male or female.
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Oh my, PVC sizing is silly. I know for standard sizes the pipe "size" is neither the ID or the OD. If you look on the site, they list the ID and OD for different PVC sizes. Flexpvc might have something similar for metric sizes, but I'm not sure, I'll go take a look...

Edit, Haha, it's right here. See the spread sheet;

Edit again; That might not be as helpful as I expected. The stickers on the pipes should be right. If you can get an adaptor that's, say 20mm x 1/2" then that sould match your pipe and 1/2" standard pipe (even though 1/2" standard pipe is larger than 20mm). The metric end should be male, and I think the standard sizes are also male, but either way as long as you get the metric end to match up it'll be easy to source the standard parts for the other end locally, be it male or female.

I found the adapters locally so I'll be using those for the drain to convert to 1 1/4" standard pvc. The smaller ones on the other hand, 7 out of 8 of the bulkheads are glued to the pipes it came with making it impossible to remove and use an adapter. The other solution I can think of is use a flex hose as an adapter between the metric pipe and a 1/2" pipe which seems to fit both of them.

are the bulkheads you have threaded? can you glue a thread on fitting to it?

They're threaded but I just found out that all the pipes it came with it are actually glued.
Nice, where the heck did you find adaptors locally?

How small are the smaller pipes? Sometimes those rubber couplings with a hose clamp on each end (available at HD / Lowes) will work if you can find them in the right size (usually larger sizes only IIRC).
Sea creatures had them in stock because he carries octopus skimmers.

They seem to be around 1/2". I'll head to the hardware store this weekend to find something for those.

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