Moving Sump into Basement


Not sure if this should be in DIY or here, but we just set up our 54 corner aquarium, but we aren't happy with the noise, plus the temp has been climbing and climbing (up to 83 degrees). Since it is a corner aquarium, there is no room in the stand for anything except the sump. My husband wants to move the sump to the basement now before we get any livestock in the tank. My question for all of you with basement sumps...he wants to put the sump on the other side of the basement (about 36 ft of pipe horizontally) so it won't be directly below the display tank. Will this create any problems? We've accounted for the additional water in the pipe, is there anything else that we need to consider?

Thanks in advance.
Make sure your pump will push against all the head loss of the pipe, and make sure the drain goes down 1/4-1/2" per foot to get proper drainage if/when the pump is off.

I also used spaflex at the tank and pump end to help minimize drain noise at the tank end and vibration noise at the pump end.

Good luck....I'm very glad I did it to my tanks.
Thanks for the info Jay. What is spaflex?

Flexible hose that you can buy at Lowes or Home depot... $1 + a foot... kind of hard to bend but it does minimize the noise.

Another thing to remember: If you go that far with the piping you need to have a pump that's going to push that water back to the tank, meaning alot of wattage I would think.... I had one and liked it... kept the tank a little cooler in the summers but definately the way to go.

sump in basement

I put in a basement sump last fall and love it. No noise and maintenance is a breaze in the basement. I have a 15 ft horizontal run 14 ft vertical. One thing to consider is with such a long run you will likely need a reasonable horizontal downward pitch and/or adequate size to the pipe draining to the sump to ensure smooth flow. Otherwise you could get a lot of gurggling due to shiphoning starting and stopping in the pipe from the inadequate flow allowance.

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