Pink skunk clown eggs for the taking


Now with more baby
Anyone interested in hatching some pink skunks? They laid their eggs on a clay pot this time and I can get them out easily. The pair lay every 12.5 days, but normally they do it on the same rock the anemone is anchored to. It was a good looking, very large batch this time and they were all exposed to the magnifica anemone (whatever that my mean for later hosting propensity)

If anyone is set up for clown fry and wants to try these guys I can work out getting them to you. They are one of the more difficult breeds of clown to raise, but the best for setting up family groups of more than two fish.

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Hmmm...tempting, but I've got too much going on at the moment. Maybe in a few months. I hope you can keep them laying on the pot.
The pot is going to be moved, (I've been working the anemone off of it for a month) so this may be the last chance. I have never been able to get the female to let any sort of tile or shell near her nest area.
bump, I hate to let this opportunity pass, breeding skunks aren't that common and it is really hard to get them to lay eggs on a tile.
Cindy I would love to try. Tho I do not have any rotifers ready at the moment. I have phyto cultures just no roti's. I suppose if no 1 else wants them and you need to find them a home.
You are welcome to them. Do you think you can get your hands on rotifers?

I'll PM my number to work out getting them to you.
Jenn- I would be more than happy to help you out on the roti's-maybe I could try and hatch a few out myslef:) Just LMK! I love the pink skunk clowns....especially when they are so tiny
Jenn- I would be more than happy to help you out on the roti's-maybe I could try and hatch a few out myslef:) Just LMK! I love the pink skunk clowns....especially when they are so tiny

Sweet that sounds cool.

I just called Cindy and got her answering machine so I hope to set this up sooon.
I have never breed saltwater fish, but I was planning on trying to do so. I am all set up for it anyway (I think/hope) . Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jenn/tabitha, if either of you get into this, I can probably get you a batch of true perc eggs now and then. Mine lay a batch every other saturday, and every once and a while they actually lay them on the tile :rolleyes:

Shoot me a PM if interested
here is the up to date pic

I think they will hatch Thursday over night, maybe Friday, so it looks like dropping them off Thursday will be good.

Edit, I don't know why the pic is broken, here is a link

Cool Cindy I am good with that Thanks for checking on that 1.

I just cleaned and setup my breeding tank in a hurry. Now I am sweating wow this heat is something.

T I will shoot you a pm so we can coordinate our efforts.
Not to steal the thread but I was wondering how long a pair of clowns have to be together before they start laying eggs?
For anyone trying to transport eggs. It is not a trivial undertaking. I've done it before on several occasions. Unless you are very careful about keeping them oxygenated, many of them will die. Particularly hard to keep alive are the ones in the center of the egg mass. Best way to do it is probably to have someone attempt to simulate the fanning of the male clownfish. That's pretty hard to do when you are driving. Another option is to somehow position an air stone bubbling vigerously just beneath the eggs to keep them in motion. Good luck.

If you know exactly when they are going to hatch that is the best time to move them. Usually once you put them in the dark they will hatch before you can get them home.