Reduce stress on fish


I had just purchased a kole tang and have had him in the tank for about a week now. It seems as thou he is becoming stressed and skiddish and has some blotches. (doesn't look like ich)

Is there anything I can do to reduce the stress on him? He has plenty of hiding spaces and no other fish bothering him.
define "blotches" Kole tangs are very skiddish by nature... Mine is 2 years old and still super shy
Hard to tell if I am just being paranoid because I really like the guy but it's seems to be more blotches in it's slime coat, not like white spots or anything.
Well some tang when pissed, get dark in color and you can see spots on them kinda like they turned into a shadow. but blotches may be a sign he is sick or stressed. Too often the fish move way to fast to stores, so the shock of shipping and moving from one system to another will ultimately kill them. As well collection methods can also weigh heavily on the health and survival of any given fish. Hopefully it is not diseased but it is hard to say with out seeing it. Is it eating?
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that is pretty normal... as long as he is active and eats, It will go away.

just keep an eye on it and if it gets worse in a couple days, then I would look into QT, but it sounds like it's nothing to worry about bud