Sump idea?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
I'm looking to put a sump under my tank and all that can fit is a 10 gallon tank,(I have one from Petco) but I think the glass is too thin. Anyone have an idea, where can I get a thicker tank doesn't have to be glass.
What are the dimensions you have to work with I have four of them that I just got ready to sell haven't even put an ad up

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Just a question? You say that a 10 gallon tank will fit from Walmart but its to thin?? do you think that it wont hold water?
G.t that is a good question I was wondering the same. The only thing I can think is he was going to drill the side for the return pump or something thinking it my crack due to being thin

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Yeah I'm not sure why it would be too thin. I don't think the thickness of the glass is relevant for drilling but rather if it is tempered or not (though I do think most 10g's aren't tempered)? I'm no expert.
There not, my bro Ran over mine right after I cleaned it it lol so can tell you first hand

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