Veron is Coming!!! - July 12th BRS meeting, Woburn

Greg Hiller

BRS Moderator
Staff member
BRS Member
The July BRS meeting will be held at the Best Western Hotel, Woburn, MA (1 Rainin Rd). Just off exit 36 off I-93. July 12th, Saturday, 2008 from 2-5 PM.

We are extremely pleased to have the world’s preeminent hard/reef building stony coral researcher and author Prof. J.E.N. (Charlie) Veron. Prof. Veron will be in the US for the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium in Ft. Lauderdale, and has agreed to come up to Boston specifically to speak to our group before attending to additional appointments in Washington, DC.

Charlie Veron is best known as the author of the three volume Corals of the World, and also Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. He is also the senior author of the major electronic products Coral ID and Coral Geographic.
Veron is the author of 100 scientific articles, including 14 books and monographs, on subjects ranging from climate change, molecular biology, palaeontology, coral identification, biogeography, coral reefs, conservation, marine science policy, marine science history, cell biology, reptilian physiology and biography. He is former Chief Scientist of the Australian Institute of Marine Science. He has been the recipient of the Darwin Medal, the Silver Jubilee Pin of the Australian Marine Sciences Association, the Australasian Science Prize, the Whitley Medal and received special mention in the Eureka Awards. He has discovered and described 20% of all coral species of the world. He has worked in all the major coral reef regions of the world, participating in 66 expeditions and spending 7,000 hours scuba diving.
He continues to work in many different fields although he now concentrates on conservation and the effects of climate change on coral reefs.

We will have the usual frag swap and general mayhem. Unique Aquaria will be sponsoring the meeting. See their forum for details on stuff they may have, or to place any special orders for the meeting.

Tentative schedule for the meeting (this schedule may change, check back to this thread for updates as we get closer to the day of the meeting):

2 - 3 PM - Meet and greet

Presentation set up time - new members registration - folks milling about chatting about their tanks - chance to meet and chat with the guest speaker - time to purchase BRS coffee mugs, hats, polo shirts - library book signout and return - turn samples in for water testing - chance to pick up 2008 BRS calenders, etc. More about these club benefits can be read here:

2:30 PM - 3 PM - Novice Reefkeepers lecture and question and answer session - Topics:

RO/DI - how it works, why it's important
Preparation of saltwater
Phosphate and phosphate removers
Sugar and alcohol dosing

3 - 3:15 PM - Announcements - raffle items descriptions - introductions of new members, etc.

3:15 - 4:15 PM - Guest Speaker - Prof. Charlie Veron

4:15 PM - Raffle drawing

4:15 - 5 PM - Frag swap mayhem and general member to member reef chat. Clean up

We will NOT have the usual Pizza delivery as the hotel wants to charge us an arm and a leg for the catering, and will not allow food to be brought into the hotel. There may be a informal get together for a late afternoon meal, or early dinner close to the meeting location.

Reminder: we try our best to keep the meeting on time, but there are a lot of things that are out of our control, so the times are subject to change, do not take these times as gospel please. Check back to this thread for updates as we get closer to the day of the meeting.

So, again the details:

Where: Best Western Hotel, Woburn, MA (1 Rainin Rd). Just off exit 36 off I-93

When: . July 12th, Saturday, 2008 from 2-5 PM.

Note: This meeting is free to members, but non-members will be charged $10 at the door to help defray the costs of the venue and speaker. You can of course join the BRS on the spot.
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Looks awesome Greg, I'm sure he has lots of beautiful photos. =)

Too bad i haven't read any of his books, maybe i should look into one.
I am SOOOO upset I love listening to Veron and I am booked outta RI on the 9th wont be back till @ the 18th :(

You bring up a good point we will try and make a point to get someone to video tape this.

Maybe Scott? :D

After seeing the video of his visit to Kiah's, I think he makes a great canidate for the job :)
Note: This meeting is free to members, but non-members will be charged $10 at the door to help defray the costs of the venue and speaker. You can of course join the BRS on the spot.
You bring up a good point we will try and make a point to get someone to video tape this.

Maybe Scott? :D

After seeing the video of his visit to Kiah's, I think he makes a great canidate for the job :)

I replied to your PM. I'd love to help out, but unfortunately I'm out of town that weekend.
I replied to your PM. I'd love to help out, but unfortunately I'm out of town that weekend.

Thanks for getting back to me.

If anyone else is interested in video taping this meeting feel free to PM. It would be great to get a speakers like this into a video archive for everyone to see.
Greg - if you can line up someone to record it, I'd be willing to donate some DVD-R's for it. I'd really like to see this one, but I'll be on a plane to Vegas for a tradeshow for work.

You guys are more than welcome to use my camcorder, but it's not the kind that records straight to DVD.
Man it kills me to miss this one! It is on the same day as my daughters Birthday cookout :(
> It is on the same day as my daughters Birthday cookout <'s close enough. Maybe you can run out of burgers and need to dash to the store! ;)
Veron is an important speaker and his latest book is astounding although somewhat pessimistic. I want to attend the talk. Do you think I could bring my 11-year old as well? Will his presentation be accessible to someone that young?
>Do you think I could bring my 11-year old as well? Will his presentation be accessible to someone that young?<

You certainly could bring your child. Veron is likely going to keep some of the talk on the 'light' side. He understands that we don't want to hear all gloom and doom, but we will all need at least to get the message. I also read his new book (it's in the BRS library) and I'm afraid it paints a pretty bleak future for the world's reefs.
This just bites. I had to work on the day of the last meeting, and for this one I'm stuck out of town. :mad: Did I mention that this really bites? ;)
Yay Woburn!!! (have you ever heard anyone say that before??)

We should all go have a late lunch at On the Border afterwards.
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