Waves: There must be a simpler way


Save me from my ignorance!

There must be a simple way to generate a wave safely in our tank. For example a large plate that moves back and forth--by only a small distance--should do the trick. THis could work as a false side perhaps? A little motor rotating an oval shape wheel could probably push a large acrylic plate away from the side wall and then the water pressure would probably push it back...

Just an idea from someone innocent of any practical experience in doing this...
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Though a great idea the motor would have to be able to generate a lot of torque and would probably need to be geared really low in order to move the pressure and volume needed. I have thought about this as well and to me it seems that Smcnally(?) has probable the easiest route by doing the wave box with a mjmod and a timer, looks great too.. The plate would need to be hinged on the bottom, the motor would need to be sealed from salt creep and water gears would need support and this would to me clutter up the top of the tank,
this is just my opinions and 2cents worth..
That would probably work. I think you'd want the plate to extend above the waterline, to minimize the water that escapes around the sides/top of the plate. I'd also probably move the hinge up 6 inches so it's not near the sand where it would get all jammed up with sand. The trick would be having a motor control that allowed very fine-tuned control of the speed. You'll need to match the motor's rotation to the natural wave period in your tank (a simple function of tank length and wave height I believe).
The trick would be having a motor control that allowed very fine-tuned control of the speed. You'll need to match the motor's rotation to the natural wave period in your tank (a simple function of tank length and wave height I believe).

Motor control could easily be control through the use of a pot (potentiometer) and would allow extremely fine tuning of what would be needed..
Extending well beyond the water line will miminize the danger that some of the fauna will get trapped between the plate...

As far as the practicality of the motor and gears, etc. I wonder if some sort of threaded axle-like thing could spin up and push the top of the plate away?
You would need a small gear turning a much larger gear turning a round plate with an arm attached close to one side then attached to the plate in the water.. ( example.. small gear with 25 teeth turning a larger 100 tooth gear attached to a larger round plate.. ) depending on the power supply you could attach a pot between the power supply and the motor to fine tune the speed at which the motor turns ( a light dimmer works on the same principle of the pot ) the question is .. how hard would it be to find a motor small enough to work this without drawing to much energy to make this enefficent and be able to find gears that would work with this.. hobby shops could provide the gears, and carbon fiber rods neccessary to make a sort of tranny.. I think its gonna be trial and error to find a suitable motor.
also dont think you would need to minimize the water flowing around the sides.. the plate wouldnt need to fit the side either.. I think a 10 by 10inch plate would be sufficent enough to move alot of water at one time and although water is going to flow around it , it will still force enough water forward to create a decent wave motion throughout the tank..
You'd need the threaded rod to reverse direction with each wave period. Probably easier to use a cam-type device, or an off-center shaft attached to a turning gear. Either of these would allow you to gear down a faster motor, since most motors are much faster than you'd want.
You could probably calculate the size motor you need if you used a spring-scale to measure the force needed to move your plate at the speed that you want to move it. And then work backwards from there through your gear reductions, etc.
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